Tuesday, 24 May 2011

looking for inspiration

Having recently done something I haven't done in such a long time, I've indulged in 3 whole days of painting, yep, just covering that white canvas with gorgeous, lovely, bright, optimistic, yummy colours ! Brushing, squirting, spraying, generally making a playschool kind of mess and feeling as happy as a toddler doing it. Taking time away from my normal life to stand back and see what I have, and what I can do, and what I'd love to do. I've been on the 'Do what you love' http://dowhatyouloveforlife.com Yorkshire retreat up in Richmond and spent 3 days being inspired by the artist Flora Bowley and everyone else I met there. How lovely to spend a few days with a bunch of interesting women from different places and different lives. They've made me aware of the power of blogs and twitters so here goes I'm getting started right now and giving it a go. I'm going to take up the 30 day challenge http://30daysofcreativity.com/ and blog about it. I've been keeping ideas in my head for too long, it's time to get them out. Whether I produce finished items or just get designs out of my head and down on paper, there will be a new one out every day. It's really exciting and I'm starting blogging right now and we'll see where I end up in a months time.


  1. Thanks Hazel - you've certainly got me moving. Good luck! Let's see how it goes.

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere Hazel! It is such a great place to get inspiration, keep motivated and connect with others.
    It was lovely meeting you at the retreat. I look forward to seeing what you put out into the world via your blog in the coming weeks and months!

  3. Hi Hazel!! welcome to Blogging! I am doing the 30 days of creativity too. So will be looking forward to seeing what you get up to!. Lovely to meet you in Flora's class, hope our creative paths will cross again in real life as well as here.

  4. Welcome to blog land! I found you through the lovely Beth. :)

  5. Go girl! Collect it up and write it all down.
    Best and bookiest, Rachel

  6. Sounds like you have all the inspiration you need and more to share on your blog! My blog, as an isolated artist, is a vital contact of shared encouragement. I know that you will find this another way to grow in your creativity.

  7. Way to go getting your blog up & running!
